I enable modern managers to have effective meetings – Brennan McEachran, Soapbox

Show Notes

Brennan has been an entrepreneur since the age of 19. He started Soapbox while in College to help organizations give voice to their employees.

Soapbox has evolved quite a lot now and has rightly become an important part of a modern manager’s toolkit for effective meetings.

We spoke on a plethora of topics including how individual contributors are pushed to become people managers without the requisite training or even guidelines. Brennan speaks from personal experience how tough it was for him to transition from an indie-maker to a manager to a manager of managers.

When asked what he would do differently, Brennan mentioned he would have probably spent time building a community around his passion and then create a product/ offering around it. Entrepreneurial journey is tough and this makes it only easier in a way.

Tune in to listen to the full episode here!

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